Web Design

ID Studio, a professional web design company based in London is often asked how much text should our clients include in their website?  This is an important area to consider during the Web Design process and can have some serious implication for the success of your website, not just for the end user and your reputation but also for the search engines and your rankings.

Creating a great looking, functional and usable web design is just one part of many that come together to create a successful website.  One key component that stands out at the top of that list is content, combining an award winning design with compelling, relevant and informative copy is a winning formula.  Content should not be an afterthought of the web design process, it needs to be planned and started immediately.  A website is often the first impression potential customers will have of your business, make it count with relevant and captivating content.

There are differing schools of thought when it comes to how much content you should include in your copy, some believe it should be short and to the point.  Others prefer a more in-depth approach, covering all aspects that will in turn convince visitors that you are the right business for them.

Keeping a visitor on your website is a key consideration, you want them to look around, find out more about your business and what it does.  Including content that is short and to the point should help to stop visitors from wondering off, or more to the point, getting bored.  Another advantage is that visitors can find the information they are looking for with ease, they don’t have to search through masses of text to find their answer.

Some web designers also argue that having too much text ruins the look and feel of the website, this may be true to some extent, however, some websites are their just for informational purposes or may have to include specific content by law.

One of the main advantages for including a large amount of copy within your website design is for search engine promotion benefits.  According to Moz, value is given to content, and it also provides more opportunity to promote targeted keywords and internal linking to benefit your site.  It is also believed that by including more content you have a higher chance of converting a visitor to become a customer.

As stated before, there is no right or wrong answer, however, some website designs will have different copy needs depending upon the business type, service or product being offered, overall goals and the marketing teams preferences.

As well as content amount, other factors need to be considered such as the main headings, images to accompany text, search engine relevance, font, background colours and the placement of important information.

Above are just some of the areas you should consider when planning copy for your website.  For more information with regards to content writing, or any web design related project contact ID Studio on +44 (0) 208 8948 5808, contact@netdreams.co.uk or visit www.netdreams.co.uk for more information about our London web design studio.